Telecommunications Unit.

We integrate satellite, microwave, MPLS, Radio, optical fiber and WI-FI communication solutions for our customers. Also, we offer the option of ‘Key in Hand’ projects, which include communication towers, power systems, electrical charge protections systems, civil work, etc.

Brindamos soluciones avanzadas de telecomunicaciones en los sitios mas apartados del país, donde las Fuerzas del Estado hacen presencia de soberanía nacional.

Satellite Network design and implementation.

  • Satellite link in Ku Band.
  • Satellite Segment management (MHz).
  • Satellite backhaul technology.
  • Quick deployment services.
    • Mobile LTE cellspot.
    • On demand quick deployment satellite links.
    • Mobile satellite terminals.

Diseño, Implementación e Integración de redes Terrestres.

  • Point-to-Point Networks.
  • Design and supply of optical fiver, microwave and radio telecommunications solutions.
  • VCS integration consoles.
  • Critical mission communication systems.




Calle 98ª # 60-87 Barrio Andes

Phone: (601) 7456579